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- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
M41T00M6F 实时时钟芯片
: Serial, 2-Wire, I2C
: 8 B
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
实时时钟 Serial 64 (8X8) real-time clock
Description M41T00M6F
The M41T00M6F M41T00 is a low power serial real-time clock with a built-in 32.768 kHz oscillator (external crystal controlled). Eight bytes of the RAM are used for the clock/calendar function and are configured in binary-coded decimal (BCD) format. Addresses and data are transferred serially via a two-line bidirectional bus. The built-in address register is incremented automatically after each WRITE or READ data byte.
Features M41T00M6F
For new designs use M41T00S
Counters for seconds, minutes, hours, day,
month, years, and century
32 kHz crystal oscillator integrating load
capacitance (12.5 pF) providing exceptional
oscillator stability and high crystal series
resistance operation
Serial interface supports I2C bus (100 kHz
Ultra low battery supply current of 0.8 μA
(typ at 3 V)
2.0 to 5.5 V clock operating voltage
Automatic switchover and deselect circuitry
(for 3 V application select M41T00S datasheet)
Software clock calibration to compensate
crystal deviation due to temperature
Automatic leap year compensation
Operating temperature of -40 to 85 °C