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BM2P074KF-GE2 交流/直流转换器
: 850 uA
: 65 kHz
: - 40 C
: + 105 C
交流/直流转换器 PWM Std 10.2-26V SOP8 Auto Restart
●General BM2P074KF-GE2
The PWM type DC/DC converter (BM2P074KF-G) for AC/DC provide an optimum system for all products that include an electrical outlet.
BM2P074KF-G supports both isolated and non-isolated devices, enabling simpler design of various types of low-power electrical converters.
BM2P074KF-G built in a HV starter circuit that tolerates 800V, it contribut to low-power consumption. With current detection resistors as external devices, a higher degree of design freedom is achieved. Since current mode control is utilized, current is restricted in each cycle and excellent performance is demonstrated in bandwidth and transient response.
●Basic specifications BM2P074KF-GE2
Operating Power Supply Voltage Range:
VCC 10.2V to 26.0V
Operating Current: Normal Mode : 0.85mA (Typ.)
Burst Mode:0.40mA (Typ.)
Oscillation Frequency: 65kHz(Typ.)
Operating Temperature: - 40deg. to +105deg.
MOSFET ON Resistance: BM2P074KF-G:6.7Ω(Typ)
●Features BM2P074KF-GE2
PWM frequency : 65kHz
PWM current mode method
Burst operation when load is light
Frequency reduction function
Built-in 800V start circuit
Built-in 800V switching MOSFET
VCC pin under voltage protection
VCC pin overvoltage protection
SOURCE pin Open protection
SOURCE pin Short protection
SOURCE pin Leading-Edge-Blanking function
Per-cycle over current protection circuit
Soft start
Secondary Over current protection circuit
AC adapters and household appliances (vacuum cleaners, humidifiers, air cleaners, air conditioners, IH cooking heaters, rice cookers, etc.)