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收藏本公司 人气:895844
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- 会员年限:16年
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- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
: RFID Transponders
: ams
: Reel
: 1000
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
RFID应答器 3D Low Power Wakeup Receiver
General Description
The AS3933-BTST AS3933 is a 3-channel low power ASK receiver that is able to generate a wakeup upon detection of a data signal which uses a LF carrier frequency between 15-150 kHz. The integrated correlator can be used for detection of a programmable 16-bit or 32-bit Manchester wakeup pattern. The device can operate using one, two, or three active channels.
Key Features AS3933-BTST
3-channel ASK wakeup receiver
Carrier frequency range 15 - 150 kHz
One, two, or three channel operation
Reliable 1-, 2- or 3-D wakeup pattern detection
Programmable wakeup pattern (16-bit or 32-bit) Manchester
Doubling of wakeup pattern supported (both for 16 and 32 bits)
Wakeup without pattern detection supported
Wakeup sensitivity 80 μVRMS (typ)
Adjustable sensitivity level
Highly resistant to false wakeups
Easy antenna tuning for perfect matching on the wanted carrier frequency
Self calibration of the internal RC-oscillator
False wakeup counter
The AS3933-BTST AS3933 is ideal for Active RFID tags, Real-time location systems, Operator identification, Access control, and Wireless sensors.