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- 会员年限:16年
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- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
MKL16Z32VFT4 ARM微控制器
: 48 MHz
: 32 kB
: - 40 C
: + 125 C
Kinetis KL16 Sub-Family 48 MHz Cortex-M0+ Based Microcontroller
Designed with efficiency in mind. Compatible with all other Kinetis L families as well as Kinetis K1x family. General purpose MCU featuring market leading ultra low-power to provide developers an appropriate entry-level 32-bit solution. MKL16Z32VFT4 This product offers:
• Run power consumption down to 40 μA/MHz in very low
power run mode
• Static power consumption down to 2 μA with full state
retention and 4.5 μs wakeup
• Ultra-efficient Cortex-M0+ processor running up to 48 MHz
with industry leading throughput
• Memory option is up to 128 KB flash and 16 KB RAM
• Energy-saving architecture is optimized for low power with
90nm TFS technology, clock and power gating techniques,
and zero wait state flash memory controller
Performance MKL16Z32VFT4
• 48 MHz ARM® Cortex®-M0+ core
Memories and memory interfaces
• Up to 128 KB program flash memory
• Up to 16 KB SRAM
System peripherals
• Nine low-power modes to provide power optimization
based on application requirements
• COP Software watchdog
• 4-channel DMA controller, supporting up to 63 request
sources MKL16Z32VFT4
• Low-leakage wakeup unit
• SWD debug interface and Micro Trace Buffer
• Bit Manipulation Engine