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CY8CMBR3116-LQXIT 触摸屏控制器
: I2C, GPO
: 1 g
: 1.71 V to 5.5 V
: 85 mA
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
触摸屏控制器 CapSense® Express™ Controllers with SmartSense™ Auto-tuning - 16 Buttons, 2 Sliders, Proximity Sensors
General Description CY8CMBR3116-LQXIT
The CY8CMBR3116-LQXIT CY8CMBR3xxx CapSense® Express™ controllers enable advanced, yet easy-to-implement, capacitive touch sensing user interface solutions. This register-configurable family, which supports up to 16 capacitive sensing inputs, eliminates time-consuming firmware development. These controllers are ideal for implementing capacitive buttons, sliders, and proximity sensing solutions with minimal development-cycle times.
Features CY8CMBR3116-LQXIT
■ Register-configurable CapSense Express controller
❐ No firmware development required
❐ Patented CSD sensing algorithm
❐ High sensitivity (0.1 pF)
• Overlay thickness of up to 15 mm for glass and 5 mm for plastic
• Proximity solutions
• Sensitivity up to 2 fF per count
❐ Best-in-class >100:1 SNR performance
• Superior noise-immunity performance against conducted
and radiated noise
• Ultra-low radiated emissions
❐ SmartSense Auto-tuning
• Sets and maintains optimal sensor performance during run time
• Eliminates manual tuning during development and production