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CYBL10163-56LQXI RF片上系统
RF System on a Chip - SoC
191.400 mg
- 40 ℃
105 ℃
Programmable Radio-on-Chip With Bluetooth Low Energy (PRoC BLE)
RF片上系统 - SoC PRoC BLE CYBL1016x 32b 48MHz ARM Cortex
General Description CYBL10163-56LQXI
CYBL10163-56LQXI PRoC BLE is a 32-bit, 48-MHz ARM® Cortex®-M0 BLE solution with CapSense®, 12-bit ADC, four timer, counter, pulse-width modulators (TCPWM), thirty-six GPIOs, two serial communication blocks (SCBs), LCD, and I2S. PRoC BLE includes a royalty-free BLE stack compatible with Bluetooth® 4.1 and provides a complete, programmable, and flexible solution for HID, remote controls, toys, beacons, and wireless chargers. In addition to these applications, PRoC BLE provides a simple, low-cost way to add BLE connectivity to any system.
Features CYBL10163-56LQXI
Bluetooth® Smart Connectivity
■ Bluetooth 4.1 single-mode device
■ 2.4-GHz BLE radio and baseband with integrated balun
■ TX output power: –18 dBm to +3 dBm
■ Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) with 1-dB resolution
■ RX sensitivity: –89 dBm
■ TX current: 15.6 mA at 0 dBm
■ RX current: 16.4 mA
ARM Cortex-M0 CPU Core
■ 32-bit processor (0.9 DMIPS/MHz) with single-cycle 32-bit
multiply, operating at up to 48 MHz
■ 128-KB flash memory
■ 16-KB SRAM memory
■ Emulated EEPROM using flash memory
■ Watchdog timer with dedicated internal low-speed oscillator (ILO)
■ 1.3-μA Deep-Sleep mode with watch crystal oscillator (WCO) on
■ 150-nA Hibernate mode current with SRAM retention
■ 60-nA Stop mode current with GPIO wakeup