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MB9BF524LPMC1-G-JNE2 微控制器
: 256 kB
: 32 kB
: 2.7 V to 5.5 V
: 5 V
ARM微控制器 - MCU 256KB FLASH 32KB RAM ARM Cortex M3
The MB9BF524LPMC1-G-JNE2 MB9B520M Series are highly integrated 32-bit microcontrollers dedicated for embedded controllers with low-power consumption mode and competitive cost.
These series are based on the Arm® Cortex®-M3 Processor with on-chip Flash memory and SRAM, and have peripheral functions such as various timers, ADCs, DACs and Communication Interfaces (USB, CAN, UART, CSIO, I2C, LIN).
Features MB9BF524LPMC1-G-JNE2
32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M3 Core
Processor version: r2p1
Up to 72 MHz Frequency Operation
Integrated Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC): 1
NMI (non-maskable interrupt) and 48 peripheral interrupts
and 16 priority levels
24-bit System timer (Sys Tick): System timer for OS task management
On-chip Memories MB9BF524LPMC1-G-JNE2
[Flash memory]
Dual operation Flash memory
Dual Operation Flash memory has the upper bank and the
lower bank.
So, this series could implement erase, write and read
operations for each bank simultaneously.
Main area: Up to 256 Kbytes (Up to 240 Kbytes upper bank
+ 16 Kbytes lower bank)
Work area: 32 Kbytes (lower bank)
Read cycle: 0 wait-cycle
Security function for code protection