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CYBLE-022001-00 蓝牙模块
Bluetooth Modules
2.4 GHz
-40 ℃
85 ℃
蓝牙模块 (802.15.1) EZ-BLE PRoC Module EZ-BLE™ Creator Module
General Description
The Cypress CYBLE-022001-00 is a fully certified and qualified module supporting Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) wireless communication. The CYBLE-022001-00 is a turnkey solution and includes onboard crystal oscillators, chip antenna, passive components, and Cypress PSoC 4 BLE. Refer to the PSoC 4 BLE datasheet for additional details on the capabilities of the PSoC 4 BLE device used on this module.
Module Description CYBLE-022001-00
■ Module size: 10.0 mm ×10.0 mm × 1.80 mm (with shield)
■ Bluetooth 4.1 single-mode module
■ Industrial temperature range: –40 °C to +85 °C
■ 32-bit processor (0.9 DMIPS/MHz) with single-cycle 32-bit
multiply, operating at up to 48 MHz
■ 128-KB flash memory, 16-KB SRAM memory
■ Watchdog timer with dedicated internal low-speed oscillator (ILO)
■ Two-pin SWD for programming
Functional Capabilities
■ Up to 15 capacitive sensors for buttons or sliders with
best-in-class signal-to-noise ration (SNR) and liquid tolerance
■ 12-bit, 1-Msps SAR ADC with internal reference,
sample-and-hold (S/H), and channel sequencer
■ Two serial communication blocks (SCBs) supporting I2C
(master/slave), SPI (master/slave), or UART
■ Four dedicated 16-bit timer, counter, or PWM blocks
■ Programmable low voltage detect (LVD) from 1.8 V to 4.5 V
■ I2S master interface