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- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
AD7849BRZ 数模转换器 DAC
: DACs - Digital to Analog Converters
: 143 kS/s
: 1 Channel
: 7 us
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
数模转换器- DAC Serial Input 14B/16B Serial Input, 14-Bit/16-Bit DAC
The AD7849 is a 14-bit/16-bit serial input multiplying digitalto-analog
converter (DAC). The DAC architecture ensures
excellent differential linearity performance, and monotonicity is
guaranteed to 14 bits for the A grade and to 16 bits for all other
grades over the specified temperature ranges.
During power-up and power-down sequences (when the supply
voltages are changing), the VOUT pin is clamped to 0 V via a low
impedance path. To prevent the output of A3 from being shorted to
0 V during this time, Transmission Gate G1 is also opened. These
conditions are maintained until the power supplies stabilize,
and a valid word is written to the DAC register. At this time, G2
opens and G1 closes. Both transmission gates are also externally
controllable via the reset in (RSTIN) control input. For instance, if
the RSTIN input is driven from a battery supervisor chip, then
at power-off or during a brown out, the RSTIN input is driven
low to open G1 and close G2. The DAC must be reloaded, with
RSTIN high, to reenable the output. Conversely, the on-chip
voltage detector output (RSTOUT) is also available to the user
to control other parts of the system.
14-bit/16-bit multiplying DAC
Guaranteed monotonicity
Output control on power-up and power-down internal or
external control
Versatile serial interface
DAC clears to 0 V in both unipolar and bipolar output ranges
Industrial process controls
PC analog I/O boards