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AD7124-8BCPZ-RL7 模数转换器
: Analog Devices Inc.
: 24 bit
: 8 Channel
: 19.2 kS/s
: - 40 C
: + 125 C
模数转换器 - ADC 8 Ch, LN, LP 24 bit ADC w/PGA & R
8-Channel, Low Noise, Low Power, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA and Reference
3 power modes
RMS noise AD7124-8BCPZ-RL7
Low power: 24 nV rms at 1.17 SPS, gain = 128 (255 μA typical)
Mid power: 20 nV rms at 2.34 SPS, gain= 128 (355 μA typical)
Full power: 23 nV rms at 9.4 SPS, gain= 128 (930 μA typical)
Up to 22 noise free bits in all power modes (gain = 1)
Output data rate
Full power: 9.38 SPS to 19,200 SPS
Mid power: 2.34 SPS to 4800 SPS
Low power: 1.17 SPS to 2400 SPS
Rail-to-rail analog inputs for gains > 1
Simultaneous 50 Hz/60 Hz rejection at 25 SPS (single cycle settling)
Diagnostic functions (which aid safe integrity level (SIL) certification)
Crosspoint multiplexed analog inputs
8 differential/15 pseudo differential inputs
Programmable gain (1 to 128)
Band gap reference with 10 ppm/°C drift maximum (70 μA)
Low-side power switchGeneral-purpose outputs
Multiple filter options
Internal temperature sensor
Self and system calibration
Sensor burnout detection
Automatic channel sequencer
Per channel configuration
Power supply: 2.7 V to 3.6 V and ±1.8 V
Independent interface power supply
Power-down current: 5 μA maximum
Temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
Temperature measurement
Pressure measurement
Industrial process control
Smart transmitters