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HMC1122LP4ME 衰减器 IC
: Attenuators
: 1 Channel
: 100 MHz
: 50 Ohms
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
衰减器 6-Bit Attenuator 2mm series device w/re
0.1 GHz to 6.0 GHz, 0.5 dB LSB, 6-Bit, Silicon Digital Attenuator
The HMC1122 is a 6-bit digital attenuator operating from
0.1 GHz to 6 GHz with a 31.5 dB attenuation control range in
0.5 dB steps.
The HMC1122 is implemented in a silicon process, offering
very fast settling time, low power consumption, and high ESD
robustness. The device features safe state transitions and
optimized for excellent step accuracy and high linearity over
frequency and temperature range. The RF input and output are
internally matched to 50 Ω and do not require any external
matching components. The design is bidirectional; therefore,
the RF input and output are interchangeable.
Attenuation range: 0.5 dB LSB steps to 31.5 dB
Low insertion loss
1.1 dB at 1 GHz
1.3 dB at 2 GHz
Typical step error: less than ±0.1 dB
Excellent attenuation accuracy
Safe state transitions
High linearity
Input 0.1dB compression (P0.1dB): 30 dBm typical
Input third-order intercept (IP3): 55 dBm typical
RF settling time (0.05 dB final RF output): 250 ns
Low phase shift error: 6° at 1 GHz
Single supply operation: 3.3 V to 5 V
ESD rating: Class 2 (2 kV HBM)
24-lead, 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP package: 16 mm2
Pin compatible to the HMC624A
Cellular infrastructure
Microwave radios and very small aperture terminals (VSATs)
Test equipment and sensors
IF and RF designs