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- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
HMC630LP3E 调节器/解调器
: Modulator / Demodulator
: 700 MHz
: 8 V
: 92 mA
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
调节器/解调器 HBT Vector Modulator SMT, 700 - 1000 MHz
General Description
The HMC630LP3 & HMC630LP3E are high dynamic
range Vector Modulator RFICs which are targeted
for RF predistortion and feed-forward cancellation
circuits, as well as RF beam forming and amplitude/
phase correction circuits. The I & Q ports of the
HMC630LP3(E) can be used to continuously vary
the phase and amplitude of RF signals by up to 360
degrees and 40 dB respectively, while supporting a
3 dB modulation bandwidth of 180 MHz. With an output
IP3 of +24.5 dBm and output noise fl oor of -162
dBm/Hz (at maximum gain setting), the output IP3/
noise fl oor ratio is 186.5 dB.
Continuous Phase Control: 360°
Continuous Gain Control: 40 dB
Low Output Noise Floor: -162 dBm/Hz
High Input IP3: +34 dBm
16 Lead 3x3mm SMT Package: 9mm2
Typical Applications
The HMC630LP3(E) is ideal for:
• Wireless Infrastructure HPA &
MCPA Error Correction
• Pre-Distortion or Feed-Forward Linearization
• Cellular / 3G Systems
• Beam Forming or RF Cancellation Circuits
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
Frequency Range 0.7 - 1.0 GHz
Maximum Gain[1] -12 -10 dB
Gain Variation Over Temperature 0.02 0.03 dB / °C
Gain Flatness Across Any 60 MHz Bandwidth 0.10 dB
Gain Range 40 dB
Input Return Loss 15 dB
Output Return Loss 17 dB
Input Power for 1dB Compression (P1dB) 14 17 dBm
Input Third Order Intercept (IP3) 34 dBm
Output Noise -162 dBm/Hz
Control Port Bandwidth (-3 dB) 180 MHz
Control Port Impedance 1.45k Ohms
Control Port Capacitance 0.22 pF
Control Voltage Range +0.5 to +2.5 Vdc
Group Delay Variation Over 60 MHz Bandwidth 20 ps
Supply Current (Icq) 92 mA