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MCP1316MT-29LE/OT 监控电路ic
: 2240 ms
: 2 V to 4.7 V
: 1 Input
: 2.857 V
监控电路 Active low P-P
Voltage Supervisor
Description: MCP1316MT-29LE/OT
The MCP1316MT-29LE/OT MCP131X/2X are voltage supervisor devices designed to keep a microcontroller in Reset until the system voltage has reached and stabilized at the proper level for reliable system operation. The table below shows the available features for these devices.
Features: MCP1316MT-29LE/OT
• Low Supply Current: 1 μA (Typical),10 μA (Max.)
• Precision Monitoring Trip Point Options:
- 2.9V and 4.6V (Standard Offerings)
- 2.0V to 4.7V in 100 mV Increments,
(Contact the local Microchip Sales Office)
• Resets Microcontroller in a Power-loss Event
• Reset Delay Time-Out Option:
- 1.4 ms, 30 ms, 200 ms, or 1.6s (Typical)
• Watchdog Timer Input Time-Out Options:
- 6.3 ms, 102 ms, 1.6s, or 25.6s (Typical)
• Manual Reset (MR) Input (Active-low)
• Single and Complementary Reset Output(s)
• Reset Output Options:
- Push-Pull (Active-high or Active-low)
- Open-Drain (Internal or External Pull-up)
• Temperature Range:
- -40°C to +85°C for Trip Points 2.0 to 2.4V and,
- -40°C to + 125°C for Trip Points > 2.5V
• Voltage Range: 1.0V to 5.5V
• Lead Free Packaging