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PIC16F18324-I/SL 微控制器
: 5 bit
: 15 Channel
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
8位微控制器 -MCU 8-Bit MCU, 7KB Flash 512B RAM, 256B EE
Full-Featured, Low Pin Count Microcontrollers with XLP
Description PIC16F18324-I/SL
PIC16(L)F18324/18344 microcontrollers feature Analog, Core Independent Peripherals and Communication Peripherals, combined with eXtreme Low Power (XLP) for a wide range of general purpose and low-power applications. The Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) functionality enables pin mapping when using the digital peripherals (CLC, CWG, CCP, PWM and communications) to add flexibility to the application design.
eXtreme Low-Power (XLP) Features PIC16F18324-I/SL
• Sleep mode: 40 nA @ 1.8V, typical
• Watchdog Timer: 250 nA @ 1.8V, typical
• Secondary Oscillator: 300 nA @ 32 kHz
• Operating Current:
- 8 A @ 32 kHz, 1.8V, typical
- 37 A/MHz @ 1.8V, typical
Power-Saving Functionality PIC16F18324-I/SL
• IDLE mode: ability to put the CPU core to Sleep
while internal peripherals continue operating from
the system clock
• DOZE mode: ability to run the CPU core slower
than the system clock used by the internal peripherals
• SLEEP mode: Lowest Power Consumption
• Peripheral Module Disable (PMD): peripheral
power disable hardware module to minimize
power consumption of unused peripherals