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EP4SGX180FF35C4N 现场可编程门阵列
: 175750
: 900 mV
: 0 C
: + 70 C
fpga - 现场可编程门阵列 fpga - stratix iv gx 7030 labs 564 ios
EP4SGX180FF35C4N Altera® Stratix® IV FPGAs deliver a breakthrough level of system bandwidth and power efficiency for high-end applications, allowing you to innovate without compromise. Stratix IV FPGAs are based on the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 40-nm process technology and surpass all other high-end FPGAs, with the highest logic density, most transceivers, and lowest power requirements.
Device Core Features EP4SGX180FF35C4N
■ Up to 531,200 LEs in Stratix IV GX and GT devices and up to 813,050 LEs in
Stratix IV E devices, efficiently packed in unique and innovative adaptive logic
modules (ALMs)
■ Ten ALMs per logic array block (LAB) deliver faster performance, improved logic
utilization, and optimized routing
■ Programmable power technology, including a variety of process, circuit, and
architecture optimizations and innovations
■ Programmable power technology available to select power-driven compilation
options for reduced static power consumption
System Integration EP4SGX180FF35C4N
■ All Stratix IV devices support hot socketing
■ Four configuration modes:
■ Passive Serial (PS)
■ Fast Passive Parallel (FPP)
■ Fast Active Serial (FAS)
■ JTAG configuration
■ Ability to perform remote system upgrades
■ 256-bit advanced encryption standard (AES) encryption of configuration bits
protects your design against copying, reverse engineering, and tampering
■ Built-in soft error detection for configuration RAM cells