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MAX1898EUB42+ 电池管理IC
: Battery Management
: 4.5 V to 12 V
: 2 mA
: 1400 mA
电池管理 Linear Charger for Single-Cell Li+ Battery
General Description MAX1898EUB42+
The MAX1898, with an external PNP or PMOS transistor, forms a complete charger for 1-cell lithium-ion (Li+) batteries. The MAX1898 provides accurate constant-current/constant-voltage charging. Battery regulation voltage accuracy is ±0.75% for optimum battery performance and cycle life. Charging current is user set, but is sensed internally so no external current-sense resistor is needed. The MAX1898 also provides outputs to monitor charge status, presence-of-input power source, and charge current. Additional features include shutdown, optional charge-cycle restart without input-power cycling, selectable charge termination safety timer, and low-current preconditioning for deeply discharged cells.
Features MAX1898EUB42+
♦ Simple, Safe Linear Charger
♦ Uses Low-Cost PNP or PMOS Pass Element
♦ 4.5V to 12V Input Range
♦ Internal Current-Sense Resistor
♦ ±0.75% Voltage Accuracy
♦ Programmable Charging Current
♦ Automatic Input Power-Source Detection
♦ LED Charge Status Indicator
♦ Programmable Safety Timer
♦ Current-Sense Monitor Output
♦ Optional/Adjustable Auto-Restart
♦ Small μMAX Package
Applications MAX1898EUB42+
Single-Cell Li+ Powered Portables
Self-Charging Battery Packs
Cell Phones
Cradle Chargers