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V230LA20CP 压敏电阻 230V pF
Metal-Oxide Varistors (MOVs)
Radial Lead Varistors > C-III Varistor Series
Description V230LA20CP
The V230LA20CP C-III Varistor Series of Metal-Oxide Varistors (MOVs)
are specifically designed for applications requiring high
surge energy absorption ratings and superior multiple
pulse absorption rating. This is achieved through a special
dielectric material formulation which also results in
higher repetitive surge ratings than other MOV types.
The C-III Varistor Series is primarily intended for use in
AC line Surge Protection Device (SPD) product and other
similar applications requiring high transient energy and
peak current capability in a relatively small package size.
Features V230LA20CP
• Lead–free, HalogenFree
and RoHS
• High energy
absorption capability
WTM 40J to 530J (2ms)
• High pulse life rating
• High peak pulse
current capability
TM 3500A to
10,000A (8/20μs)
• Wide operating
voltage range
VM(AC)RMS 130V to 1000V
• Available in tape and
reel for automatic
insertion; Also available
with crimped and/or
trimmed lead styles
• No derating up to
85oC ambient
• The C-III Series is
supplied in 10mm,
14mm and 20mm
disc versions with
various lead options