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压敏电阻 425pF Radial Lead Varistors > LA Varistor Series
The V625LA80BP LA Varistor Series of transient voltage surge
suppressors are radial leaded varistors (MOVs)
that are designed to be operated continuously
across AC power lines. These UL recognized
varistors require very little mounting space, and are
offered in various standard lead form options.
The V625LA80BP LA Varistor Series are available in four model
sizes: 7mm, 10mm, 14mm and 20mm; and have a
VM(AC)RMS voltage range from 130V to 1000V, and an
energy absorption capability up to 360J. Some LA Series
model numbers are available with clamping voltage
selections, designated by a model number suffix of
either A or B. The 'A' selection is the standard model;
the 'B' selection provides a lower clamping voltage.
See LA Series Device Ratings and Specifications
Table for part number and brand information.
V625LA80BP Features
• Lead–free, HalogenFree
and RoHS
• Energy absorption
capability (WTM)
up to 360J
• Wide operating
voltage range
VM(AC)RMS 130V to 1000V
• No derating up to
85oC ambient
• Available in tape and
reel or bulk pack