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TEA1733T/N1,118 交流/直流转换器
: 66.5 kHz
: 500 mW
: - 40 C
: + 150 C
交流/直流转换器 SW Mode Power Supply Controller 8-Pin GreenChip SMPS control IC
General description TEA1733T/N1,118
The TEA1738(L) is a low cost Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC
intended for flyback topologies. The TEA1738(L) operates in peak current and frequency
control mode. Frequency jitter has been implemented to reduce ElectroMagnetic
Interference (EMI). Slope compensation is integrated for Continuous Conduction Mode
(CCM) operation.
Features TEA1733T/N1,118
SMPS controller IC enabling low-cost applications
Large input voltage range (12 V to 30 V)
Integrated OverVoltage Protection (OVP) on pin VCC
Very low supply current during start-up and restart (10 μA typical)
Low supply current during normal operation (0.55 mA typical without load)
Overpower or high/low line compensation
Adjustable overpower time-out
Adjustable overpower restart timer
Fixed switching frequency with frequency jitter to reduce EMI
Frequency reduction at medium power operation to maintain high efficiency
Applications TEA1733T/N1,118
All applications requiring efficient and cost-effective power supply solutions up to 75 W.