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VIPER37LE 交流/直流转换器
: 60 kHz
: 2.5 mA
: - 40 C
: + 150 C
交流/直流转换器 ViperPlus Fixed Freq 800V 30mQ 265 Vac
Features VIPER37LE
• 800 V avalanche-rugged power MOSFET
allowing ultra wide range input Vac to be
• PWM operation with adjustable limiting current
• 30 mW standby power at 265 Vac
• Operating frequency:
– 60 kHz (L type), 115 kHz (H type)
• Frequency jittering for low EMC
• Output overvoltage protection
• High primary current protection (2nd OCP)
• Input undervoltage setting (brownout)
• Onboard soft-start
• Safe auto-restart after a fault condition
• Hysteretic thermal shutdown
Applications VIPER37LE
• SMPS for set-top boxes, DVD players and
recorders, white goods
• Auxiliary power supply for consumer and home
• ATX auxiliary power supply
• Low / medium power AC-DC adapters
Description VIPER37LE
This device is an offline converter with an 800 V rugged power section, a PWM control, two levels of overcurrent protection, overvoltage and overload protection, hysteretic thermal protection, soft-start, and safe auto-restart after the removal of any fault condition. Burst mode operation and very low device consumption help to meet the standby energy saving regulations. Advance frequency jittering reduces EMI filter costs. Brownout function protects the switch mode power supply when the rectified input voltage level is below the normal minimum level specified for the system. The high voltage startup circuit is embedded in the device.