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CY62136FV30LL-45BVXI 存储器
: Cypress
: Parallel
: 2.2 V
: 3.6 V
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
静态随机存取存储器 2Mb 3V 45ns 128K x 16 LP 2-Mbit (128 K × 16) Static RAM
2-Mbit (128 K × 16) Static RAM
Functional Description CY62136FV30LL-45BVXI
The CY62136FV30LL-45BVXI CY62136FV30 is a high performance CMOS static RAM organized as 128K words by 16 bits. This device features advanced circuit design to provide ultra low active current. This is ideal for providing More Battery Life™ (MoBL®) in portable applications such as cellular telephones. The device also has an automatic power down feature that significantly reduces power consumption by 90 percent when addresses are not toggling. Placing the device into standby mode reduces power consumption by more than 99 percent when deselected (CE HIGH). The input and output pins (I/O0 through I/O15) are placed in a high impedance state when the device is deselected (CE HIGH), the outputs are disabled (OE HIGH), both Byte High Enable and Byte Low Enable are disabled (BHE, BLE HIGH) or during a write operation (CE LOW and WE LOW).
Features CY62136FV30LL-45BVXI
■ Very high speed: 45 ns
■ Temperature ranges
❐ Industrial: –40 °C to +85 °C
❐ Automotive-A: –40 °C to +85 °C
❐ Automotive-E: –40 °C to +125 °C
■ Wide voltage range: 2.20 V to 3.60 V
■ Pin compatible with CY62136V, CY62136CV30/CV33, and
■ Ultra low standby power
❐ Typical standby current: 1 A
❐ Maximum standby current: 5 A (Industrial)
■ Ultra low active power
❐ Typical active current: 1.6 mA at f = 1 MHz (45 ns speed)